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Here's Why Coffee Should Not Be The First Thing You Have In The Morning

Coffee in the morning

In the hazy moments of early morning, my hand used to instinctively reach for the espresso machine, hoping the rich aroma of coffee would kickstart my day. Little did I realize, this routine was becoming more of an autopilot response than a conscious choice.

As I delved into studies, the evidence stacked against my beloved morning coffee started to outweigh its comforting perks. Disheartened yet determined, I decided to break the habit and experiment with healthier alternatives.

While the prospect of becoming a morning person might seem daunting, especially without that familiar caffeine jolt, making these small changes at the start of your day can yield a substantial impact on the rest of it.


The Science Behind It

Why is it crucial to have something in your system before indulging in that cup of caffeine?

The science behind it unravels the potential downsides. Coffee, with its stimulating properties, can prompt the production of stomach acid, potentially leading to issues such as indigestion, bloating, and nausea, among others. Furthermore, the surge of cortisol, often dubbed the stress hormone, triggered by coffee in the early hours may leave you feeling more stressed and anxious, a less-than-ideal start to the day that can impact both mood and performance.

While not everyone may be susceptible to these effects, the likelihood of experiencing jitters from coffee on an empty stomach is a real concern.

This begs the question – when is the right time to enjoy that cup of java? It seems the answer lies in sipping it later in the morning or shortly after breakfast. The seemingly harmless act of downing your first cup within the initial hour of waking up might not provide the energy boost you anticipate; instead, it could have the opposite effect.

The cortisol levels in your body tend to decrease about 3-4 hours post-wake-up, making this window ideal for that much-coveted cup. Pairing your coffee with something high in protein or fat could offer a protective shield for your digestive system.

Given that we lose a significant amount of water during the night, beginning your day with a diuretic like coffee could worsen dehydration. Instead, prioritize hydrating your body with water before indulging in your beloved coffee.


Making The Change

Switching my morning ritual to begin with lemon water or chlorophyll drops, followed by a wholesome breakfast before diving into my beloved coffee, brought about a noticeable transformation. Energy levels soared, and bloating became a distant memory.

Admittedly, it was tough to acknowledge that my morning companion might not be as beneficial as I thought, but the positive changes urged me to embrace a healthier version of myself.


However, despite these cautionary notes, it's crucial to acknowledge that coffee does come with a myriad of benefits. The key lies in getting the timing right, regulating quantities, and, perhaps most importantly, not using it as a substitute for nutrition in your meals.



Image Credits - Aljona Ovtšinnikova

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